Publication details

The nature of the light variations of chemically peculiar stars

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Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ulusal astronomi kongresi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KRTIČKA, Jiří, Zdeněk MIKULÁŠEK, Juraj ZVERKO, Jozef ŽIŽŇOVSKÝ and Pavel ZVĚŘINA. The nature of the light variations of chemically peculiar stars. In Ulusal astronomi kongresi. Canakkale, Turecko: Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi, 2008, p. 921-927, 8 pp. ISBN 9758100335.
Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords hot stars; chemically peculiar stars; variable stars
Description Chemically peculiar stars display periodic light and spectrum variations. The spectrum variations are explained by the presence of spots with peculiar chemical composition on the surface of rotating star. However, the nature of the light variations of these stars and their relationship to the spectrum variations is unknown. We show that the light variations of chemically peculiar stars HR 7224 and HD 37776 can be explained by the redistribution of emergent flux due to overabundance of helium, silicon, and iron in the surface spots. This is a promising model for the explanation of the light variability of most of chemically peculiar stars.
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