Publication details

Inclusive Social Tagging: A Paradigm for Tagging-Services in the Knowledge Society



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 1st World Summit on the Knowledge Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords inclusive universal access;inclusive social tagging
Description This paper investigates the Web 2.0 phenomenon of social tagging in the context of existing approaches to semantic data structuring. Social tagging is embedded into the space spanned by current structuring approaches like taxonomies, metadata, or ontologies in order to identify its semantic and pragmatic foundations. Thereby, we use the Inclusive Universal Access paradigm to assess social tagging with respect to socio-technical criteria for inclusive and barrier-free provision and usage of web services. From this analysis we propose criteria for a paradigm we chose to call "Inclusive Social Tagging." We subsequently use these criteria to assess the tagging functionality of popular Web 2.0 services.
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