Publication details

Karel Vorovka, posel myšlenky všeslovanského filozofického kongresu v Praze

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Title in English Karel Vorovka, the Messenger of the Idea of Pan-Slavonic Philosophical Congress in Prague


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Filozofia a slovanské myšlienkové dedičstvo: osobnosti, problémy, inšpirácie I.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Karel Vorovka; Vladimir Dvorniković; Pan-Slavonic Philosophical Congress
Description In 1923 a Czech philosopher and mathematician Karel Vorovka (1879, 1929) took the initiative of the philosopher from Zagreb, V. Dvorniković, and as a co-editor of Ruch filozofický, as well as a member of the provisional preparatory committee since the Fifth Philosophical Congress in Naples (1924), personally advocated the organization of a Pan-Slavonic Philosophical Congress in Prague. The initial interest of the positivistic group around Česká mysl (František Krejčí) and Filozofická jednota (Emanuel Rádl) in the organization of the congress disappeared already in 1925. Despite of Vorovkas several years effort, supported also by the Slavonic delegates of the Polish Philosophical Congress in Warsaw (1927), the project failed to take place. The paper focuses on Vorovkas plans, hopes for an early congress union and his disappointment caused by the failure.
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