Publication details

La parole et le silence. Réflexion sur quelques oeuvres d auteurs d orientation chrétienne

Title in English The Word and Silence. Reflection of So,e Literary Some Works of Selected Christian Authors


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Romanica olomucensia XVIII. Grandeur et décadence de la Parole au XXIe siecle
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords christian authors; Paul Claudel; Marie Noel; Sylvie Germain; Etty Hillesum
Description There is a difference between a multitude of empty words and a silence that can express a lot. This study is a reflection of selected literary works by authors sensitive to the substantioa meaning of the words used in their literary works and the power of silence.

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