Publication details

Spin-orbit coupling in low-dimensional gold

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HÜGER E. ZELENÝ Martin KÁŇA Tomáš ŠOB Mojmír

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source physica status solidi rapid research letters
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords electronic structure; spin-orbit coupling; gold
Description We present experimental and theoretical evidence of the role played by the spin orbit coupling in the electronic structure of a pseudomorphic Au monolayer on Nb(001) substrate. The bands found with the help of the angle resolved ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (ARUPS) are compared with those obtained from ab initio self-consistent calculations by the VASP and WIEN2k codes. The slab calculations are performed including geometric relaxation and using both the generalized gradient (GGA) and local density (LDA) approximations for the exchange correlation energy. The dispersions and energy positions of the calculated bands agree with the experimentally determined band structure only if the LDA is used and the spin orbit coupling is included. Therefore, both the structure relaxation and spin orbit coupling are essential in understanding the electronic structure of the Au/Nb(001) system.
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