Publication details

Neúspěšnost projektu multikulturalismu jako zdroj sociálních deviací

Title in English Ineffectiveness of a Multiculturalism Project as a Source of Social Deviations


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference In: Lubelcová,G., Džambazovič,R. (eds.) Sociálne deviácie a kriminalita ako aktuálne společenské problémy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords multiculturalism-cultural relativism-cultural absolutism--universal values-ethnical groups
Description This paper focuses on ineffectiveness of a multiculturalism project, which failed in practice in various aspects. It reminds of a relation between cultural relativism and cultural absolutism and a necessity to create universal values. That is moral relativism might lead as far as to ethical relativism denying the existence of independent sphere of values, and thus create conditions for rise of variety of social deviations. Situation in France is recalled, where within the system a certain part of population is becoming redundant and this situation is leading to rise of social deviations and criminal act. Finally, there is a question to be asked: What use is cultural appreciation to different ethnical groups, when they are expelled to slums, excluded from the labor market and labeled as unreliable, incapable, dangerous, that is deviant and criminal?

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