Publication details

Zprávy o počasí z let 1655-1656 v deníku Jana Františka Bruntálského z Vrbna

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Title in English The Weather Observations from 1655-1656 in the Diary of Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis Matice moravské
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation BRÁZDIL, Rudolf, Rostislav KRUŠINSKÝ and Ladislava ŘEZNÍČKOVÁ. Zprávy o počasí z let 1655-1656 v deníku Jana Františka Bruntálského z Vrbna (The Weather Observations from 1655-1656 in the Diary of Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno). Časopis Matice moravské. Brno, 2008, vol. 127, No 2, p. 455-467. ISSN 0323-052X.
Field Atmosphere sciences, meteorology
Keywords Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno; personal diary; weather observations; temperature indices
Description Jan František Bruntálský of Vrbno (1634-1705), lord of Fulnek and owner of Paskov, Studénka and Mrač, belonged to significant representatives of the higher nobility with a number of posts in the land and court administration. His diary, written from January 1, 1655 to March 4, 1656, contains not only everyday life information, but also weather descriptions (air temperature, precipitation, wind, cloudiness, visibility). On the basis of those notes the weather in the aforementioned period can be ascertained and confronted with other sources on weather and similar phenomena in the Czech lands. The observationes of Bruntálský make it possible to create a list of weighted temperature indices compiled for regions in Germany or Switzerland. The analysed diary substantially broadens our horizons as to the weather in 1655-1656 in the Czech Lands and Central Europe and contributes to the weather mosaic in the period before systematic meteorological observations.
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