Publication details

Rostlinná společenstva zdí na jižní a západní Moravě

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Title in English Plant communities on walls in southern and western Moravia (Czech Republic)


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Příroda, Sborník prací z ochrany přírody
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords phytosociology; wall vegetation; cluster analysis; Czech Republic; Cymbalario-Asplenion
Description Walls represent man-made habitats with specific ecological features. Plant communities growing on walls are an important part of synantropic vegetation. So far, wall vegetation has not been sufficiently studied in the Czech Republic because of the lack of data. The phytosociological research into wall vegetation was done in southern and western Moravia in 2001-2003. Altogether, 302 relevés were recorded on walls in towns, in villages, and on castle ruins. Three different habitats were distinguished: horizontal wall tops, vertical wall surfaces of free-standing walls, and vertical wall surfaces of retaining walls. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the wall vegetation in the study area. All relevés were classified with cluster analysis and ten communities were distinguished. Their structure and species composition, ecological requirements, and distribution in the study area are described. The communities are compared with analogous vegetation from other parts of the Czech Republic and Europe.
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