Publication details

Odhaľovanie plagiátov v seminárnych prácach

Title in English Plagiarism-tracing in seminar papers


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Inovačný proces v e-learningu 2009
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords plagiarism tracing; plagiarism; seminar papers
Description In 2009 project of plagiarism-tracing in seminar papers involves 10 public universities in Czech Republic. This project addresses the issue which is academia dealing with for a long time - the issue of not to copy works and effort to help to detect and trace plagiarism through Information Technology. Internet and access to resources in digital form is one of the very beneficial possibilities of advanced technologies. On the other side they are easily exploitable by cheaters. Developing team of Information System of Masaryk University developed a service for the detection plagiarism for their own purposes first. The demand for this service was due to the introduction of the archives of the final works in this system in 2004, because the risk of misuse of these works in digital form is growing. And also thanks to the emergence of a comprehensive e-learning system in IS MU. Teachers don't need to worry about disclosure their publications, teaching materials and other documents now and there are available tools for tracing plagiarism in this system. Thus the service to trace plagiarism was made available for academics and students of MU first in 2006 a further 21 universities through Theses systems ( and for the plagiarism-tracing in the final theses in 2008. Some studies have important seminar papers, therefore this year the project for the plagiarism-tracing in the seminar papers ( The growing number of Internet servers, which collect seminar papers, etc. allowing the cribbing and the project aims to eliminate the sense of these servers.
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