Publication details

Flexibilní jazyková výuka: případová studie využití multimédií na CJV MU

Title in English Flexible Language Learning: A Case Study of the Multimedia Use at Masaryk University Language Education Centre


Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Multimedia in Foreign Language Teaching IV
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Field Linguistics
Keywords multimedia, flexible learning, synchronous and asynchronous activities
Description The paper presents an analysis of four multimedia courses of English for Academic Purposes offered by Masaryk University Language Education Centre that are based on principles leading to flexible learning and u-learning. Regular, experimental and project courses use various combinations of synchronous and asynchronous activities with the aim to achieve the most effective language learning. The common feature of all the courses is the importance of flexibility, complex use of multimedia and a maximally individual approach to the language learning.

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