Publication details

Implementing Videoconferencing Project Results into Lifelong Education



Year of publication 2008
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description The INVITE project (Leonardo da Vinci programme) which experiments with implementing videoconferencing skills into existing teaching modules at universities (Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic and University of Wales, Aberystwyth) was introduced to the Diverse community in Lillehammer, 2007. One of the project aims is to create and test innovative teaching methods and materials used in videoconferencing through English as a second language. In order to obtain a greater impact and achieve better sustainability of the project results in learning infrastructures, the results have been further tested and implemented into life-long learning programmes outside the universities and courses offered to private firms and to general public. Incorporation of videoconferencing into standard language classes at the universities has been relatively easy and videoconferencing holds a strong position in the course syllabuses. Sustainability of project results within the life-long educational programmes, however, seems to be a more complicated issue and will, for many practical reasons, be more difficult. We will share our latest experience from both university and life-long learning courses, present new teaching materials we use for training videoconferencing skills in a foreign language and show some discussion stimulating video-recordings that illustrate effective collaborative interaction and telepresence activities from the courses.

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