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Ideologie přirozenosti ve vzdělávání jako překážka překonávání sociálních nerovností

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Title in English Ideology of naturalness as a barrier of getting over social inequalities in education


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords inequalities; gender; age; naturalization
Description The institution of school is often discussed as a place where social inequalities are reproduced. In general, in democratic countries it is believed that education serves as a mean of a growing social mobility. However, it was proved that education does not provide everybody with same chances. In this article I would like to show that school not only reproduces social inequalities that had already been described by others (Bernstein 1975, Bourdieu; Passeron 1977, Beck 2004, Shavit; Blossfeld 1993) but also that the way the education of children is organized can block (especially unprivileged) children in their social positions. The text will present particular outcomes of an ethnographic research. I will demonstrate the ways in which social inequalities are presented to children as natural or deserved without a critical refl exion of social structures that produce them. This is the way the school not only reproduces the inequalities but also legitimizes them.
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