Publication details

Internetové prezentace základních škol jako jeden z indikátorů jejich vnitřního sociálního prostředí

Title in English Primary school websites as an indicator of school social environment


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Orbis Scholae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords primary school; internet; school website; school website analysis; communication; school climate
Description The study presents the results of two analyses of 104 primary school web presentations in 2005 and of 149 school web presentations in 2008. Schools (N=205) were randomly selected from a complete list of primary schools and analyzed existing web presentations and their changes between 2005 and 2008. The analysis used 20 criteria focused on web structure, design, and most saliently on communication goals. The findings are framed by the conceptualization of a school web presentation as one of indicators of school climate.
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