Publication details

DEBDict - General Dictionary Browser



Year of publication 2008
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description DEBDict gives you access to the following dictionaries (all are Czech dictionaries): * three dictionaries of Czech language (SSJČ, SSČ, PSJČ) * foreign words dictionary * thesaurus * idiomatic and phrasal dictionary (SČFI, split to verbal and nonverbal part) * Diderot encyclopedia * "all dictionaries" shows results from all these dictionaries at the same time Apart from dictionaries, users can use the following resources: * Czech morphological analyser (Ajka) * geographical information system (map of Czech Republic) * get results from an external website (Google,, Wikipedia and Seznam Encyklopedie are current examples) * CIA World Factbook (behaves similar to dictionary), search for part of country name or * to show the list of all countries
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