Publication details

Přílepky a nálepky právních předpisů aneb Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum

Title in English Wild rides and stickers of legal enactments or else Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum


Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Citation FILIP, Jan. Přílepky a nálepky právních předpisů aneb Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum (Wild rides and stickers of legal enactments or else Nigrum nunquam excedere debet rubrum). In In dubio pro libertate. Úvahy nad ústavními hodnotami a právem. Pocta Elišce Wagnerové u příležitosti životního jubilea. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2009, p. 59-76. Edice Pocta osobnostem. ISBN 978-80-210-4837-9.
Description The article analyses some problems of the practice of so called wild riders, stickers, labels etc. As important moment the author considers history of titles of legal enactments. He examines such problems as one-subject rule, title rule in the USA and Great Britain, reviewing of constitutionality of titles of legal enactments in the USA in comparison to the Czech Republic and other states. He tries to describe some elements of the theory of titles of legal enactments and laws in point of view of Czech tradition in denotation and labeling of legal enactments.
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