Publication details

Brief exposure of Blattella germanica (Blattodea) to insecticides formulated in various microcapsule sizes and applied on porous and non-porous surfaces



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pest Management Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Plant diseases, weeds and plant protection
Keywords microcapsules; insecticide deposits; formulations; efficacy; cockroaches; Blatella germanica
Description The authors explored how microcapsule size and brief exposure affected the bioavailability of five microencapsulated insecticide formulations, chlorpyrifos 23.1 g L-1 CS (Detmol-PRO), chlorpyrifos 20 g L~1 CS (Empire 20), fenitrothion 20 g L_1 CS (Detmol-Mic), cyphenothrin 10 g L~1 CS (Detmol-CAP) and diazinon 30 g L_1 CS (Diacap), to Blattella germanica L. on porous and non-porous surfaces. The hypothesis was tested that microencapsulated (CS) insecticides comprising larger microcapsules show higher efficacy on porous surfaces than formulations with smaller microcapsules.
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