Publication details

Elišce Wagnerové, s poděkováním za prosazování principu nezávislosti soudnictví

Title in English For Eliska Wagnerova, with thanks for enforcement of principle of justice independence

FENYK Jaroslav

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference In dubio pro libertate - Úvahy nad ústavními hodnotami a právem - Pocta Elišce Wagnerové u příležitosti životního jubilea
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords principle of justice independence; public prosecutor; police; court
Description Triple control of legality of activity of judicial bodies in criminal proceedings. In preliminary stage the court controls only legality of coercive measures, not legality of procedure as such. The control of court side is made ex post after charge and it is too late.

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