Publication details

Spinální ganglionektomie a její perkutánní modifikace v terapii postherpetické neuralgie

Title in English Spinal ganglionectomy and the percutaneous modification thereof used in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia


Year of publication 2003
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bolest
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Neurology, neurosurgery, neurosciences
Keywords herpes zoster; postherpetic neuralgia; ganglionectomy; percutaneous ganglionectomy
Description A case of a 78-year-old man is presented. The patient had suffered from postherpetic neuralgia for more than 2 years. Conservative treatment did neither eliminate nor significantly alleviate the symptoms. The affected spinal ganglion was identified by using sequential paravertebral blockade. Extirpation was performed using a classical method. After this intervention pain persisted to a lesser degree. To remove the pain completely, percutaneous ganglionectomy was subsequently performed using special multipurpose equipment, under CT control, in the adjacent two segments. After this intervention the symptoms disappeared completely. Consequently, the role of ganglionectomy in pain therapy is discussed; alternative methods used as the treatment for postherpetic neuralgia are listed. Authors consider the described method to be the treatment of choice for postherpetic neuralgia.

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