Publication details

Použití ASU SYSADOA preparátu v léčbě chondropatie sportovců

Title in English Avocado/Soya bean Unsaponifiables in Treatement of Chondropathy in Sportsmen.


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Medicina sportiva. Bohemica & Slovaca.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Traumatology and orthopaedic surgery
Keywords painful disorders od knee joint-patellofemoral syndrome-possibilities of treatment-Avocado Soya bean Unsaponifiables
Description Non-specific pain of knee is one of the most important causes of training load reduction and racing performacne of sportsmen. Primarily it is a case of chondropathy. We are treating this illness mainly conservatively.The aim of the raional treatment is to remove the funcitonal and postpone the anatomic impairment, relieve from pain and inhibit the associated aseptic inflammation. Avocado Soya bean Unsaponifiables is one of the possibilities of conservative treatment which is commonly used in the treatment of oseteoarthritis.

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