Publication details

Princip uznávání v právu ES, uznávání rozhodnutí ve věcech vyživovací povinnosti

Title in English Principle of Recognition in the EC Law, Recognition of Decisions in Matters Relating to Maintenance Obligations

KUDROVÁ Veronika

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Cofola 2009: the Conference Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Cofola 2009: the Conference Proceedings
Field Law sciences
Keywords EC Law; principle of recognition; maintenance obligations.
Description Contribution deals with the principle of recognition within the European Union Law, it also briefly mentions the recent legislation on recognition. It divides the principle of recognition into two dimensions. First one is represented by recognition purposed to create favourable conditions for an efficient achievement of the basic freedoms, the second dimension, viceversa, is sort of reaction at realization of the free movement freedom. Thenceforth the contribution follows given lines, while making comments on the main acts on recognition.

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