Publication details

W poszukiwaniu nowych dróg dla głosowania i ich wpływ na aktywność wyborców

Title in English Searching for new ways of voting and their influence on the voters activity


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Wyborcze
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Voter turnout; proxy voting; voting in advance; voting with the help of electoral certificate; polling station; voting with the help of the portable ballot box; establishment of special electoral wards; electronic voting; mail voting by letter
Description Decreasing voter turnout regularly evokes discussions on its causes. The article deals with techniques, that may it ensure. As techniques are here offered: a) proxy voting (voting by substitute), b) voting in advance (early voting in the USA), c) voting with the help of electoral certificate (vote pass) in the polling station according the situation of voter, d) voting with the help of the portable ballot box, e) establishment of special electoral wards (e.g. in abroad), f) voting in abroad, g) s.c. electronic voting (by mail, internet), h) mail voting by letter, i) holding more election in the same time etc.
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