Publication details

Teoretická východiska pro recepci soudobé (nejen) hudební artificiální tvorby

Title in English The Theoretical Basis for Contemporary Reception of (not only) Musical Artistic Production


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web 5. číslo elektronického časopisu Teoretické reflexe hudební výchovy
Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords reception; postmodernism; education; music; aesthetic
Description Understanding the current state of the art is an effort of every art loving person. Art World offers a fascinating insight into the thinking of people who are able to communicate with the outside world through a special, artistic and aesthetic resources. Contemporary art is the specific communiqué, communicating the latest information for the current (and subsequent future) world. To understand contemporary art is to understand the cultural identity and its development trends and changes in contemporary society. This contribution examines the receptive possibility of the art music of 20th century.

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