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Title in English English Plays and Czech Marionettists


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Divadelní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords early modern English theatre; Czech marionette theatre; transnational theatre exchange; theatergram; Christopher Marlowe; Thomas Dekker; Mucedorus; St Dorothea; Don Juan; plot construction
Description This article discusses the impact of early modern English itinerant theatre (of both actors and marionettists) on central European marionettists, suggesting also the possibility of a reversed direction of influence. It analyzes individual cases and modes of possible influence - from the transfer of legends and stories, to the structural theatre patterns (theatergrams), such as mis-en-scenes, dramatic situations, characters or character types. One part of the article deals with motifs that are common to both early modern English plays of the travelling actors and to Czech marionettists. Attention is also devoted to the origin of motifs, which does not necessarily have be English but rather transnational.
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