Publication details

Understanding the NMR Chemical Shifts for 6-halopurines: Role of Structure, Solvent, and Relativistic Effects

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STANDARA Stanislav MALIŇÁKOVÁ Kateřina MAREK Radek MAREK Jaromír HOCEK Michal STRAKA Michal VAARA Juha

Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Modeling Interactions in Biomolecules IV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation Chyba/Error
Field Physical chemistry and theoretical chemistry
Keywords NMR; chemical shifts; quantum chemical calculations; DFT; BPPT; relativistic effects; solvent effects; Breit-Pauli perturbation theory
Description NMR parameters for 6-halopurines were determined both experimentally and theoretically. The effects of structure, solvent, and relativity are discussed.
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