Publication details

Kvantitativní dynamika vývoje důlních vod

Title in English Quantitative dynamics of mine water


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Geochémia 2006
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geochemistry
Keywords mine water; stratification; geochemical model; redox potential; mine flooded
Description Important factor which play main role at high concentrated mine water formation is stratification of mine water. The stratification of mine water body was observed on all studied ore and coal deposits (five) by in-depth resistivity and temperature logging, and mine water sampling. On Oslavany coal mine Jindřich II there can be identified three layers of stratified mine water. Sharp transition between layers and very distinctive concentrations of dissolved solids are characteristic. Stratification is stable despite of mine water discharge about 50 L/s. Detailed geochemical model of stratified layers formation and their time evolution is be presented.
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