Publication details

Vliv žonglování a dalších psychomotorických aktivit na rozvoj motorických dovedností a pozornosti u adolescentů se symptomy ADHD, poruch chování a učení

Title in English The Impact of Juggling and Other Psychomotor Activities on the Development of Motor Skills and Attention in Adolescents with Symptoms of ADHD, Behaviour and Learning Disorders


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Health Education and Quality of Life II.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords psychomotricity;juggling;ADHD;behaviour disorders;learning disorders;hyperactivity;motor skills;attention;quality of life
Description The paper deals with the research of the impact of motor activities from the area of psychomotricity and juggling on the development of motor skills and attention in adolescents with symptoms of ADHD, behaviour and learning disorders. We applied a ten-month intervention program consisting of psychomotor and juggling activities at the selected test group of adolescents with the above mentioned disorders and we verified the qualitative changes in the field of neuromuscular coordination, fine motricity, reaction speed, attention concentration and quality of life. Test group included 5 pupils with the above mentioned symptoms. According to the case study we may state psychomotor activities and juggling have positive impact in the area of coordination, attention, fine motricity as well as social skills and self-confidence.

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