Publication details

Individualizace, individualismus a environmentální témata v sociologické a environmentalistické literatuře.

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Title in English Individualization, Individualism and Environmental Issues in Sociological and Environmental Literature


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Individualization; Individualism; Environment; Sociology; Environmental Studies
Description A survey of relevant sociological and environmental sciences journals reveals a very weak connection between individualisation and environmental topics. Usually we find only unreflexive and intuitive attitudes to individualism amongst environmentalists, mostly in connection with criticism of modern western society. A more in-depth connection tends to occur within the field of environmental ethics. Sociology remains largely focused on traditional topics and the relationship between society and nature is practically missing. Within the sample of surveyed scientific journals, the study of environmental dimensions of socio-scientific topics is rather undeveloped, especially concerning questions about consumption and individualised lifestyle, and even less with regard to religion and education. In the literature, individualisation and individualism are connected mostly with consumerism, the isolation of the individual, and reductionism or the abandonment of nature, community and place. In this article, the neglect of the complexity of these relations and the social dimensions of life is criticised, and a holistic point of view is preferred. Such neglect can be seen in the almost automatic connection by the prevailing negative attitude with signs of quantitative individualism whilst differentiation of its qualitative form is commonly ignored.
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