Publication details

Připravujeme budoucí učitele na integraci žáků se sluchovým postižením

Title in English We are preparing future teachers to integrate pupils with hearing disabilities


Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Education of hearing-impaired pupils is regulated by the Law No. 561/2004 Coll. on pre-school, elementary-, higher- and other education and the Regulation No. 73/2005 Coll. on education of children, pupils, and students with special needs, and talented children, pupils, and students. Both parents and experts usually decide to integrate children with light- or medium- hearing impairment into regular schools. One of the goals of elementary education is to prepare the pupils for lifelong learning. It brings a new attitude to education. The most important teachers task should be to teach the pupils how to learn. The results have been obtained during a research.
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