Publication details

Implementation of an autofocus algorithm based on searching the best in-focus image into a table-top laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy setup



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Optical Engineering
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation NOVOTNÝ, Jan, Radomír MALINA, Jozef KAISER, Miroslav LIŠKA, Michaela GALIOVÁ and Karel NOVOTNÝ. Implementation of an autofocus algorithm based on searching the best in-focus image into a table-top laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy setup. Optical Engineering. 2009, vol. 48, No 10, 10 pp. ISSN 0091-3286.
Field Optics, masers and lasers
Keywords automatic focusing; autofocus; image sharpness; laser induced breakdown spectroscopy; Fourier transform; Pearson correlation; digital noise
Description Laser-ablation based spectrochemical analytical methods could be used in applications in which the capability for spatially resolved analysis is required. Such analysis gives a 2-D or 3-D map of the monitored chemical elements. Here we introduce automation of a 2-D surface analysis in the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy setup by implementation of an autofocus algorithm based on the evaluation of the image sharpness. The most suitable algorithm with respect to its speed, accuracy, and durability against digital noise is chosen by testing different gradient-based methods and methods working in the frequency domain.
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