Total number of publications: 470
New Species of Empidinae (Diptera) from San Rossore National Park, Italy, with the First Report on Leg Polymorphism in the Genus Hilara Meigen and Their DNA Barcoding Evidence
INSECTS, year: 2025, volume: 16, edition: 83, DOI
News Credibility on Facebook: The Role of Media and Intermediary Trust and Their Interplay
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, year: 2025, volume: 19, edition: Neuveden
No shortfall of ES estimators: Insights from cryptocurrency portfolios
Finance Research Letters, year: 2025, volume: 73, edition: March, DOI
Non-hydrolytic sol-gel synthesis of amine-functionalized silica: Template- and catalyst-free preparation of mesoporous catalysts for CO<sub>2</sub> valorization
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, year: 2025, volume: 381, edition: Jan, DOI
Novel archaeal ribosome dimerization factor facilitating unique 30S-30S dimerization
Nucleic acids research, year: 2025, volume: 53, edition: 2, DOI
Občanská věda na cestách: jak turisté přispívají k poznání naší planety
Zeměpisné a vlastivědné spisy, year: 2025, volume: XXIV, edition: 56 (1/2025)
Occurrence data for stream-dwelling macroinvertebrates from Central Europe
Data in Brief, year: 2025, volume: 58, edition: 111272, DOI
Omezení jednatelského oprávnění za církevní právnickou osobu a její ovlivnění
Právní rozhledy, year: 2025, edition: č. 1-2
On a Hunt for the "True" Septocutaneous Perforator: A Histology Cross-Section Study
On Collaboration and Automation in the Context of Threat Detection and Response with Privacy-Preserving Features
Digital Threats: Research and Practice, year: 2025, volume: 6, edition: 1, DOI