Publication details

Problematika sdílení elektronických zdrojů pro zrakově postižené

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Title in English The problems with sharing of electronic resources for students with visuall disability


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Social networking
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web Elektronická verze
Field Documentation, library studies, information management
Keywords electronic resources; persons with special needs; sharing; problems
Description The very important part of the university students integration is to provide the access to the available study materials. The sharing of the electronic resources between the institutions providing services for the students with disability is very important methode to work more effective. But there are some legal, technical and methodological problems in this field like: legal problem of the institution identity and problem of the offering electronic recources form and information about them. The purpose of the artical is to describe the problems and to indicate the possible solutions.
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