Publication details

Dramatická výchova a cizojazyčná výuka.

Title in English Drama in Education and Foreign Language Teaching.


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dramatická výchova pro děti se speciálními potřebami v kontextu RVP ZV.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords drama in education; foreign language teaching; alternative methods
Description The knowledge of foreign languages belongs presently to the basic prerequisites not only for successful vocational career but also for making new contacts at personal level. Foreign language teaching is being paid increased attention; new efficient approaches are being looked for to make it better, easier and more convenient. It is the drama in education that offers here a number of methods and techniques. The paper gives an outline of class activities in FLT which are based on the principles of drama, as well as such methodical approaches that apply elements of drama in education.
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