Publication details

Some Drawings by Johann Georg Bergmüller (1688-1762) and his circle in the Silesian Regional Museum in Opava



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta historiae artium Academiae scientiarum Hungaricae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords ohann Georg Bergmüller; German Baroque Drawings; Silesian Regional Museum in Opava; Edmund Wilhelm Braun
Description The Silesian Regional Museum in Opava keeps, due to the acquisitions of its late director E. W. Braun, a small collection of Central European Baroque drawings. This study treats three drawings, whose common feature is a closer or freer bond to the work of the South German painter J. G. Bergmüller. A hitherto anonymous sheet depicting Christ as the heavenly judge can be newly included in his Oeuvre as a second preliminary study for the now damaged fresco in Barfüsserkirche in Augsburg (1723-1724). The second drawing with the scene of the Vision of Peter of Koblenz, traditionally attributed to Bergmüller, has been probably created by a master of his circle. The last drawing was then determined as a copy after the engraving by G. B. Göz, which reproduces drawing by J. G. Bergmüller.
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