Publication details

Přistoupení k EU a nutnost provádění ústavních změn

Title in English Accession to the European Union and the necessity of altering the constitution


Year of publication 2009
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This work is dealing partly with the enlargement of EC/EU, partly with the accession to EC/EU. The work contains a brief summary of the accession to EC/EU, it states the criteria for the membership candidates to fulfill in order to take part in the project of european integration. The work also devotes to the constitutional changes of the legal order which took place during the pre accession negotiations with the EC/EU membership candidates. The constitutional change means any change of an act of law which is in its sense capable to influence any constitutional relations it means it is not only about the change of the Constitution, but also of the change of any constitutional acts. The work observes the division between effects of EC an EU Law. This work comes to the conclusion that if a state has the intention to participate on the project of european integration, it has to fulfill the main criterion the principle of a democratic legally consistent state, contained i.a. in the Art. 6 of the Treaty on European Union.
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