Publication details

Prevence komplikací v chirurgické léčbě plicních metastáz

Title in English Prevention Of Complications Of The Surgical Management Of Pulmonary Metastases


Year of publication 2009
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description In the case report, the authors present their technique of surgical management of pulmonary metastasis of pelvic chondrosarcoma. The patient had repeat thoracic surgery, initially bilateral pulmonary metastasectomy as a one-stage procedure followed, at a interval of about nine months, by pulmonary metastasectomy, first in the right lung and, five weeks later, in the left lung. On the most recent occasion, considering the status of pulmonary parenchyma, the authors used TachoSil in an effort to prevent prolonged air leaks. Authors compare the postoperative course of the metastasecotmies in terms of drainage times and amount of secretion from drains.

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