Publication details

Co říká 11 fytocenologických snímku o vlivu celoplošné přípravy půdy na bylinné patro lužních lesu?

Title in English What can 11 vegetation plots say about the influence of ploughing on the herb layer of alluvial forests?


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Co říká 11 fytocenologických snímků...
Field Botany
Keywords forestry; ploughing; vegetation ecology; alluvial forest; invasive neophytes
Description A stastistical analysis of vegetation plot data has shown that ploughing-up of forest soils before the establishment of new stands causes decline of some species typical of the herb layer of flood-plain forests, supports the spread of some invasive neophytes and reduces the alfa diversity of the plots.

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