Publication details

TeXové technologie pro digitální matematickou knihovnu (zvaná přednáška pro CSTUG, 21.11.2009, Brno)

Title in English TeX Technologies for Digital Mathematics Library (invited lecture for CSTUG, 21.11.2009, Brno)


Year of publication 2009
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description Project of Czech Digital Mathematics Library (DML-CZ; will be presented. It collects and presents peer-reviewed mathematical literature published in the Czecho(Slovakia). In the project workflow typographic system TeX is used extensively. For all articles title pages with metadata and other info are generated with XeLaTeX. It will be shown how PDF files with source code of mathematics can be generated, and how PDFs could be digitally signed in batch processing. To ease the import new born-digital articles into the library, a new system supporting journal processing and production has been developed. XML metadata needed for the digital library are produced as an sideeffect of typesetting of the new journal issue. Core of this system is Tralics (converter of LaTeX to XML), whose usage will be demonstrated.
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