Publication details

Cartographic visualization of agricultural sensor

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Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník ze společné mezinárodní konference ISZL/CEE-SDI/ ICT for Rural 2009. Praha
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Cartographic visualization; wireless sensor networks; geoinformation infrastructure; agricultural monitoring.
Description The aim of the paper is to present Agrisensor project dealing wiht methods of cartographic visualization and modeling of agricultural data based on wireless sensoric networks monitoring. Cartographic visualization of sensoric data for public purposes is usually referred to as pervasive mapping. The project is technologicaly based on Open Geospatial Consortia (OGC) intiative called Sensor Web Enablement (SWE), which specifies method of connecting arbitrary sensors to the Internet. SWE will provide specification of standardized interface and coding of data for use in a geoinformation service that integrates selected sensors to general, already existing geoinformation infrastructures. Project is primarily focused on three basic cartographic areas of investigation: effective real-time visualization of sensoric data with the use of selected cartographic tools, modelling of monitored spatial phenomena with suitable interpolation procedures and their subsequent cartographic presentation, and visualization of trends of changes of sensoric data and their contingent prediction.
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