Publication details

Fresnel Editor - knowledge visualization



Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník konference Informatika XXIII 2010
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Fresnel; RDF; RDF visualization; Semantic Web; browsing
Description RDF language is a core of the Semantic Web. It represents a storage layer of the dokument semantics. This machine-readable structure should be also presented in more human-friendly form than standard RDF serializations (Noppens, 2008), (Qiu, 2007). There are several proposals of declarative languages for RDF visualizations. W3 Consorcium created the proposal of the language Fresnel (Bizer, 2005), (Bizer, 2006). This language was accepted by semantic web developers, some implementations were developed. Nonethless general editor was not developed yet. (Pietriga, 2005). The aim of our paper is to briefly introduce the existing applications and libraries and show their issues. Then we discuss the need of general editor for creating and adapting the RDF visualization stylesheets, describe its concept and modular structure. The visualization process is also described. This editor is under development since 12/2008. It has been developed (and defended) as the student project and now as a part of the research project Semantic e-learning (see the acknowledgment). The final part of the paper introduces the actual aims of the application development (semantic database visualization module, further collaboration with the JFresnel (JFresnel, 2008), graph visualization and e-learning utilization).
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