Publication details

Vliv člověka na přísun, zánik a mobilitu říčního dřeva (LWD) na řekách v ČR

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Title in English Human impact on input, decay and mobility of large woody debris in rivers of Czech Republic


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Říční krajina 6 - Sborník příspěvků z konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords large woody debris; input; deceay; mobility; human impact
Description The paper deals with input, decay and transport of large woody debris in rivers. Presented are data from ten Czech rivers. Assesd were wood pieces which show the signs of human influnce (chain-saw cuts at thicker or thinner end respectivelly). data show that on average 9% of wood was delivered by man. It is up to 20% in extreme cases. The significant may be also the withdrawal of wood from rivers. In some of studied river reaches the recent quantity of LWD equels only cca 50% of potential wood volume.
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