Publication details

Parlamentní volby v Indii 2009: vítězství Kongresu a druhá vláda Manmóhana Singha

Title in English The Indian Election 2009: A Congress Victory and Second Government of Manmohan Singh


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Asijské milníky 2009
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Keywords India, parliamentary elections, political parties, party system
Description This article deals with the election to the Indian parliament (Lok Sabha) held between 16 April and 13 May 2009. This election has brought continuing of the current government of the Indian National Congress and its allies. The article describes historical evolution of the Indian party system, electoral campaign, and analyses election results and election participation, considering territorial support of the main political parties. The results of the 2009 election are compared with the results of the previous parliamentary elections.

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