Publication details

Ekonomika daru, dar a jeho reflexe v ekonomické teorii

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Title in English Gifts economy and its reflection in economics

SVOBODA František

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politická ekonomie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords gifts; economy gifts; exchange; crowding-out; Samaritans dilemma; signals
Description This paper inquires into beginnings of a gift economy as well as related contemporary institutions. Gift economy and the gift as a complex phenomenon was a common base for institutions of markets, credits, taxation, alms or social security. Inquires of origins, development and contemporary forms are consequently important contributions to our understanding to contemporary social institutions. We can also inquire with economists into present forms of a gift and look for reply to different questions about efficiency of a gift: Why to give, how to give and what way give a gift.
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