Publication details

Právní jistota a autonomie vůle v kolizním právu

Title in English Legal Certainty and Party Autonomy in Conflict of Laws


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference COFOLA 2009: the Conference Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Autonomie vůle stran; neomezená volba práva; omezení volby práva; interest analysis.
Description The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of choice of law limited by the basic conflict rule and the concept of free choice of law and to compare a level of legal certainty of subjects of contractual commercial legal obligations in two different approaches: free choice of law on one side and choice of law limited on choosing the law of the state that bears a reasonable relation to the transaction on the other side. This paper wants to verify a hypothesis that the conception of choice of law limited by the basic conflict rule gives a lower standard of legal certainty to the contracting parties about the application of a chosen law as a governing law than the conception of free choice of law.
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