Publication details

Petrografická charakteristika antropomorfní plastiky kultury s lineární keramikou z Brodku u Prostějova, okr. Prostějov

Title in English Petrographic characteristics of an anthropomorphic sculpture of the linear pottery culture from Brodek u Prostějova, Prostějov dist.


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada archeologická (M)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Archaeology; archaeometry; microscopy; petrographic characteristics; anthropomorphic sculpture
Description A mineralogical-petrographical analysis was performed in an anthropomorphic sculpture (LBK) from Brodek u Prostějova. For the purpose of comparison two shards of linear pottery from the nearby settlement feature No. 3 were chosen, one of them highly resembling the sculpture, and the other being quite different from. One could prove only a mutual concordance between the samples of common pottery (Samples No. 2 and 3). It is theoretically possible that there might be some shards at the site, which are in their composition fully identical with the anthropomorphic sculpture, but due to a limited selection of samples they couldnt be registered. We must also consider a possible intentional use of a specific raw material by the sculptor: he might have been attracted by the whitish colour of clay being found in closer or more remote vicinity of the site; this raw material he then might have brought to the settlement strictly in order to manufacture this unusual artefact.
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