Publication details

Capillary electrophoresis of conidia from cultivated microscopic filamentous fungi



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Analytical Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Analytic chemistry
Keywords Kapilární elektroforéza; vláknité houby; konidie; UV detekce; fluorimetrická detekce
Description In this paper hydrophobic conidia from the cultures of different strains of the filamentous fungi were focused and separated by capillary zone electrophoresis and capillary isoelectric focusing. The detection was optimized by dynamic modifying of conidia by the non-ionogenic tenside on the basis of pyrenebutanoate. Down to ten labeled conidia of the fungal strains were fluorometricaly detected and isoelectric points of conidia were determined. The observed isoelectric points were compared with those obtained from the separation of the cultured clinical samples and they were found to be not hosts specific.
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