Publication details

Je ekonomická krize krizí práva nebo právní politiky?

Title in English Is the economic crisis a crisis of law or of legal policy, too?


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Historie obchodněprávních institutů
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Private law as a tool of the egoism and its public law limitations; impact of the economic crisis on legal regulation; law and non-legal regulation
Description Criticism of a state-organized and rescue-aimed intervencionism as a reply to the abuse of private law and to the distortion of its public law limits. Danger of "structure cartels" and of "weekend - mergers". Position "too big to fail" must not prevent curative state intervention. "Too big to fail" means "too big to stay", simultaneously. Economic crisis cannot surmount to a crisis of legal dispassionate reasonableness. The role of non-legal incentives and elements of decision-making that protects the deleterious mutation of an opportunism of a judge (in term of "mother" of his/her wisdom)into a "father" of his/her arbitrariness.
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