Publication details

Temperamentem a styly učení u středoškolských studentů

Title in English Temperament and learning styles in high school students


Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Vývoj a utváření osobnosti v sociálních a etnických kontextech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web sbornik abstraktů z konference
Field Psychology
Keywords temperament; learning styles; learning style; LSI; TE-ZA-DO
Description We used correlational study to investigate relations of broadly conceptualized temperament (measured by TE-ZA-DO questionnaire, Smékal, 1983) to learning styles, which we ascertained by the Czech version of LSI questionnaire (Mareš, Skalská, 1993). Plenty of relations appeared, although the rates of correlational coeficients were usually quite low. We replicated the finding of relation of activity and intentional aspects of learning (that means inner motivation, persistence, responsibility) - activity may be therefore understood as an important protective factor of learning. Surprisingly we found out that the same temperament feature (emotivity, primarity) may lead to different learning styles in men and women.
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