Publication details

Výskyt dřevní hmoty v korytech vodních toků České republiky

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Title in English The Abundance of Woody Debris in the Stream Channels of the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Vodní hospodářství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords in-stream woody debris; fluvial ecosystem; hydromorphological processes; ecological status of stream channels
Description Paper deals with the topic of in-stram alrge woody debris, which enters the channels from riparian forest. Woody debris has various forms from complete uprooted trees to bare trunks or rootwads. Presence of the wood in a river is hazardous (blocking the channel profile - flooding, destruction of bridges or weirs), on the other hand it plays an important ecological role. Streams with high woody debris loadings show higher habitat and species diversity, evident is a positive impact on fish, macroinvertebrate and insect populations. paper brings general introduction to the topic, proposal of Czech terminology, and the data on woody debris loadings in selected river reaches of the Czech Rep. (Dyje, Lužnice, Morava, Svratka).
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