Publication details

Senioři bez přístřeší jako specifická skupina uživatelů sociálních služeb

Title in English The homeless elderly people as the specific group of social services users


Year of publication 2009
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description This text is premised on the research results from the project of Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs which as hold in 2007-2008. This research project has been realized as the case study of sanctuary house which is founded by NGO and the users of this kind of social service. The social services in Czech Republic are provided by Law 108/2006 on Social services recently and some of the standards are focused on the precise staking out the target group of service as well as strengthening of the tailor-made approach to the users. The specific situation of the elderly users was open as the intersting topic within the frame of the research. These people are out of the labour market as well as could be usually very difficult for them to leave the sanctuary house because does not existed the continuity of additional social services or shelter living.
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