Publication details

Řeholníci ve svatých a zbožných skutcích zvláště pevní. K dějinám paulánského konventu sv. Matouše v Brtnici

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Title in English The monks in the holy and religion acts notably firm. To the history of Minims konvent of St. Matthew in Brtnice.


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Mezi Jihlavou a Vídní 1700 – 1900.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field History
Keywords church history - church order - monasteries - minims order
Description The konvent in Brtnice, one of two seats of the Minims Order in Moravia, arose from a initiative of the imperial general Rombald Collat in the Thirty years war. Unfortunately the preserved archival material doesn t allow to look in a more detail to an inner life in konvent, mostly it revers to a time of foundation and also the abolishing which were after the reign of Joseph II. in 1784.
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